Friday 10 February 2012

Other Sites You Might Like

Did a bit of redesign and added a list of sites on the right of the page that you might like to look at.
One is Martin Bland's Randomized Control Trials. Martin was drummer and sometime guitarist/singer in Bloodloss and my favourite incarnation of the group was when we had two drummers. Mixers hated it, but the cool thing was that he was a left hander and me a right hander so we set up our kits on our natural angle looking at each other. He is a great songwriter, now living in Seatlle and doing stuff with Mudhoney's Mark Arm (see Monkeywrench), and has his own songwriting blog. Strange but cool.
Just discovered a Bloodloss facebook page - it's very cool!
Also you might like the site Violation. The person behind it contacted me regarding Septic Saw Blades recordings. It's a hardcore punk collector's spot. You might like that too!

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